WHY use I am an Investigative Journalist. I've had a radio show (The Armchair Survivalist) for 20 years and have operated a health business for 35 years. When CBD first made it's way into America, I decided to launch a full investigation into it and see what's what. My son and I read, traveled, interviewed, researched and tested nearly all importers and products that were available. We discovered a few things I'll gladly share with you. 1) 95% of all sellers of CBD products are in it solely for the money and couldn't care less of quality (or lack thereof) 2) 99% of all sellers of CBD products know only what they're told about their product and nothing more. Again, just for the money. 3) Over 50% of the CBD products sold are advertised in a fraudulent manner. The sellers either don't know better, or their business ethics are bottom of the barrel 4) 90% (or even more) of all CBD products available are made from CBD Isolate, not full-spectrum CBD. My company, Survival Enterprises, has been in business for 35 years. Sadly, we're not "in it for the money" (lol), but this is our calling. We're here to help people. To that end, we decided to create our own CBD products, based on ethical pricing, high quality full spectrum sources, using only US farms. I enlisted the help of two farmers. One in Colorado and one in Kentucky. We use ONLY full spectrum extract from the Industrial Hemp plant. We use no CBD Isolate and all our carrier oils are organic. We also developed this website wherein YOU can become more educated on CBD and learn the truth from the hype. Our guiding truth here is the KISS formula: KEEP IT SIMPLE, STUPID, so we do. Check out the links, educate yourself on the truth about CBD and it's properties, and then (if you wish) buy SEEDS OF LIFE CBD products! Kurt Wilson CEO
Purchase our CBD products here Why
use SEEDS OF LIFE CBD products? CBD:
The History, The Reality and Barnum & Baily
& Conditions, All products contain
less than
Questions? Email us! This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any diseases." The above is a Government ORDERED statement. It is NOT based in either reality or sanity. Just like our Government. In
a landmark decision on Friday, Jan. 15, 1999, the US Court of Appeals
for the District of Columbia ruled that
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